Please read the legislative changes for 2025 below:
HB 1292- Notary Public New Requirements January 1, 2025
The Clerk of Superior Court’s Office is pleased to to announce the new 2024 eCertification services that provide users the ability to electronically request certified Court and Real Estate Records 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Read our eCertification Flyer for more information!
Please read about our Real Estate Theft Protection program that's been posted on my office website for a few years. I wanted to share a popup reminder about the program that my office provides Free to Liberty County Property Owners. Please take a look at the flyer below.
Clerk of Superior, State, Juvenile and Magistrate Courts
The Clerk is accountable only to the people who elect her. She is not an employee or appointee of any county or state commission or any agent or agency of the judiciary. As an impartial county officer, the Clerk provides some of the most important checks-and-balances needed in both local county government and the state's judicial system.
The Clerk's duties include, but are not limited to, running the business arm of the local court system; accounting for all monies arising from fines, fees, court costs and fees imposed and required by law; managing county trial and grand juries, including summoning jurors for service; providing oversight and administrative support to the county board of tax equalization; and processing, protecting and permanently maintaining citizens' court, land and other important vital records.
HB 288 - Predictable Fees Bill, Effective: January 1, 2020.... read more
SB 407 - Mandatory Civil eFiling, Effective: January 1, 2019.... read more
The information on this page is provided as notice to jurors of the status of trials for which they have been selected in the State Court and Superior Court of Liberty County.... read more
Visit the online Traffic Ticket payment page for Liberty County Georgia to your traffic fines online... read more
View the schedule of statutory filing fees and court court costs for filing instruments and obtaining services from the Clerk's Office.... read more